6:00 PM18:00

Dialogue & Activism, Government & Religion

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Join us for a dialogue where we consider our faith traditions and belief systems when it comes to dialogue and activism? Are they important practices in your lens? Are they at odds, or do they help one another? Similarly, what is the healthy versus actual relationship between government and religion? Come consider the relationship of standing up for what is right, public advocacy, justice seeking, civics and faith…all done while seeking to understand before being understood…?

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6:00 PM18:00

Dialogue: The Geography of Holy

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This topic is for experienced TCL dialoguers who touch base with Pastor Carrie about participating beforehand. We will consider physical places our faith traditions consider to be holy or sacred. What makes them so? What is it like to approach a sacred space or holy place to our belief system? How does our theological lens inform how we honor sacred places while also grappling with the destructive actions+conflicts that have -and are often- associated with them?

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6:00 PM18:00

Dialogue: What I Wrestle With...

RSVP here!

Join us for a dialogue where we dive into a vulnerable question: What do I struggle with about my own belief system? What are the challenges I wrestle with, the parts of my faith tradition I don’t always like? What does it mean to continue to be a part of this belief system, even in the thick of this wrestling? What makes it worth it?

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6:00 PM18:00

Kick-off Dialogue: Potluck; The Twins of Grief & Joy

RSVP here!

Join us for our first dialogue of the year! This is a great dialogue for those who have never tried it before. If you join IRL, we will offer a potluck option, but all are welcome, whether via Zoom or in-person.

We will be talking about 2 experiences which have been said to be twins: grief and joy. Come consider the ways that our belief systems and faith practices undergird our experiences -and understanding of- these 2 common human experiences.

This is a great way to get the year started, just on the heels of Inauguration Day and MLK, Jr., Day!

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6:00 PM18:00

Awe, Wonder and Play / Advent Conspiracy and TCL's End-of-Year Celebration!

Please join as we conclude the year with a lighthearted dialogue, while pausing to commemorate TCL’s annual commitment to donating 10% of TCL’s budget to causes we love as a multi-faith community. We’ll also celebrate our year together as we prepare to pause for the holidays! Please email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info.

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6:00 PM18:00

Special Dialogue with TCL Board of Directors: Irreconcilable Differences and Loving Our Neighbor

Join us for this special annual dialogue in which our board of directors join us! We will gather to listen and learn from each other about our journeys with faith and irreconcilable differences. What does it mean for us to love our neighbor when we do not and will not see eye to eye? Please join! Email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info.

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6:00 PM18:00

Dialogue: Our Online-Offline Lives

How does your faith influence the way you engage your online life, and then how does your online life influence your faith? What does the road look like between your online and offline behavior? Join us for this crucial and fascinating exploration from our various perspectives and wisdom. Email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info.

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